Purcella Smith
Life coach

Like most people in the world (not just the United States), I’ve been mesmerized by Hollywood my whole life. I grew up singing along to pop ballads and dressing like my favorite pop stars. It brought a lot of much-needed excitement to a girl in the middle of rural Virginia.

As an artist, I made my way out to Hollywood, more specifically Beverly Hills, against all odds. I scrounged and saved (and hustled through real estate transactions) to make my way here. I was called here by God to do something important— to help be a beacon of light in a tough city, encroached in an even tougher industry. All my services and the art I produce myself are meant to fulfill this calling. 

“Common Questions”

1. What qualifications and experience does the coach have?

In addition to my life coach training, I have a Master’s degree in Political Science, which helps me navigate the complicated territory of Hollywood politics. In the early phase of my career, I worked in national D.C. politics and got special insight into how politics influences and directs Hollywood.

2. What coaching approach and techniques do they use?

I’m an intuitive coach, meaning I rely on a gift called “intuition” to guide us through our work together. 
Intuition is a natural ability to understand or feel something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is an inner voice that guides us towards the right decision or action based on our past experiences, knowledge, and understanding. Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or a hunch and is believed to come from a deeper level of consciousness. 

Purcella Smith

An outside perspective

How is what you do different from a “psychic”?

I’m a natural intuitive, but I’m different from a psychic in that I don’t take guidance from any entity besides God. I tune myself into receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit through journaling and prayer. I will often pick up on things you don’t directly tell me through my intuition— which significantly helps my coaching. However, I don’t do “readings” as my goal is to help guide you to a path of self-reliance and self-assuredness— as opposed to charging by the 15-minute segment to tell you some “truth” from the spirit world which may or may not have your best interest at heart. 

The spirit world is tricky, and I follow biblical principals in navigating it. That means I don’t look to “channel” any and everything. Doing this can be incredibly dangerous, as God warns us against doing so! Trust me, I’m tempted just as often everyone else 

Our Promise To You


Working with all walks of life


“Treat others as you’d like to be treated”

We treat you as family


Here to serve and be on time to all of our future appointments